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Growing Together Through Stewardship



Do I make time for prayer, to read the Scriptures, to thank God and ask for His help?




Is my talent at work, actively building the Body of Christ?




Do I give a proportionate amount of my treasure to God through the weekly offertory?

Prayer of the Good Steward

Jesus, I give my whole life to You. I thank You for creating me, dying for me, and rising for me. In gratitude, I offer myself to You, asking for the grace to keep You first in my heart. Please give me a spirit of service and love so I can pour out myself for others as You did for me. Help me to use everything You have given me for the good of my family, my parish, and all around me.


Becoming a 
Stewardship Community

In common language, "stewardship" simply means taking good care of one's belongings. But at St. John Before the Latin Gate, when we talk about stewardship, we mean something more than that.


As Christians, we believe that we don't really own anything, per se. God has created all things; everything we "own" is really "on loan" from God. From this perspective, then, stewardship means taking care of God's gifts.


Everything God has given us — special skills, a nice smile, a good income — is meant not only for us, but for others as well. As strange as it seems, being a good steward of these gifts involves giving them away. As we learn from Jesus' life, self- giving is the road to true happiness.


Stewardship is using our time, talent, and treasure to build God's Kingdom.

All three elements are equally important.


Our annual Stewardship Renewal is an important event for the Catholic Community of Bartlesville. It is a time when we reassess the way we use God's gifts by making commitments of time, talent, and treasure.Renewing ourselves in these areas results in great spiritual benefits for us as individual parishioners and for the community around us. This year, how will you use your gifts?

Return your 2024 
Commitment Cards to
Mass the weekend of January 27/28.

You may also complete online! See button above.

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St. John Before the Latin Gate is a Parish of the
Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma
715 S. Johnstone Ave. Bartlesville, OK 74003 | (918) 336.4353
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