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Hospitality Ministries

Donut Ministry 

Members of the Donut Ministry pick up donuts from Food Pyramid every Sunday morning before 8:30 a.m. Families involved have one designated weekend per month.


  • For more information, contact Karen Franco, 918-914-2916.



Greeters will welcome Mass participants and hand out parish bulletins or worship aids.



The newcomers ministry helps welcome new families into our parish community and introduce them into various facets of parish life. The newcomers ministry invites all of the parish's new members to a gathering of food and fellowship, to tour the parish facilities, to make connections within the various ministries, and to welcome them to their new place of worship.




Ushers help establish and maintain the suitable decorum of the Church gathered for worship, cordially assist people in being seated so that they form one community, distribute and pick up materials, and gather the offering


St. John Before the Latin Gate is a Parish of the
Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma
715 S. Johnstone Ave. Bartlesville, OK 74003 | (918) 336.4353
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