Prayer Ministries
With 24/7 access to our chapel, St. John parishioners are able to participate in Eucharistic devotion and adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament both during the day and throughout the night, seven days a week. Parishioners have the option to faithfully keep an assigned hour every week, serve as a substitute adorer, or come at any time. The goal of our parish is for perpetual adoration.
Contact: Deacon Joe Richard, 918-337-2214
Men's Group
Men gather once per month for dinner, drinks, prayer, and discussion.
Contact: John Tedrick, 918327-9369
Men's Rosary Group
Men gather early Wednesday morning at the church to pray the Rosary. After the Rosary is complete, they visit amongst themselves in the Gathering Area over a cup of coffee before starting their day.
Contact: Clyde Jones, 918-230-8075.
Thursday Afternoon Rosary
All parishioners are welcome to pray the Rosary every Thursday at 1:30pm in the Chapel.
Contact: Dcn. Charlie Moomaw, cpmoo@juno.com
Thursday Morning Women's Prayer Group
Every other Thursday at 6:30am, parishioners enjoy early morning group study, discussion, and prayer as they reflect upon the gospel.
Contact: Nancy Dykstra, 918-440-2593
Meets each Wednesday at 10am to pray the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy offering prayers for various intentions.
Contact: Sandy Pickett, 918-766-5844 or skpickett@yahoo.com